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Pump, Centrifugal (Product)

An IMF type with identifier http://rds.posccaesar.org/imf/type/PCA_999000070 .


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GroupRotating Equipment
Related toPump, Centrifugal (Function)
Pump, Centrifugal (Location)


Key info.

System No.
Index type

Operating Data

Mass flow ( kilogram per hour )
Flow ( cubic metre per second )
Fluid density ( kilogram per cubic metre )
Boiling point ( degree Celsius )
Design temperature ( degree Celsius )
Design pressure ( bar absolute )
Local ambient temperature ( degree Celsius )
Corrosive Compounds
Viscosity at T and P ( centipoise )
Fluid viscosity at cold start ( centipoise )
Vapour pressure at T ( bar absolute )
Operating pressure side 1 inlet ( bar absolute )
Discharge pressure ( bar absolute )
Operating temperature ( degree Celsius )
Specific Gravity (missing unit)
Head ( metre )
NPSH available ( metre )
Design flow ( cubic metre per second )
Hydraulic power ( kilowatt )
Differential pressure (design) ( bar )
Time of service (hr/year) (missing unit)
Discharge pressure (design) ( bar absolute )
Minimum flow ( cubic metre per second )
Suction pressure (design) ( bar absolute )
Differential pressure ( bar )
Suspended solids (% by weight) ( percent )
Character/largest particle (missing unit)
Special characteristics of liquid
Fluid solids content ( percent )
Normal flow ( cubic metre per second )
Liquid specific heat ( kilojoule per (kilogram kelvin) )
Flowrate accuracy (+/-) ( kilogram per hour )
Relief valve setpoint ( bar absolute )
Differential head ( metre )
Design flow range ( cubic metre per second )
Max. Operating temperature ( degree Celsius )
Acceleration head ( metre )

Technical Data

Casing design pressure ( bar absolute )
Weight of impeller ( kilogram )
Lubrication type
Shaft diameter ( millimetre )
Radial bearing type
Thrust bearing type
API class
Cooling water ( cubic metre per second )
Hydrostatic test pressure ( bar gauge )
Packing manufacturer
Packing type
Impeller diameter min./max. ( millimetre )
Rotation facing coupling end
Pit or sump depth ( metre )
Vibration detector type
Speed ( revolution per minute )
Shaft power ( kilowatt )
Efficiency at rated flow ( percent )
Min. continuous flow thermal ( cubic metre per second )
Min. continuous flow stable ( cubic metre per second )
Max. head with rated impeller ( metre )
Max. power with rated impeller ( kilowatt )
NPSH required (m MLC) ( metre )
Min. submergence required ( metre )
@ Temperature ( degree Celsius )
Impeller diameter rated ( millimetre )
Proposal curve number
No. per radial bearing
No. per axial bearing
Rotor mount
Manufacturer code
No. radial bearing
No. thrust bearing
Manufactured by
3% Head drop @ rated flow ( metre )
Max. continuous flow ( cubic metre per second )
Max. shaft thrust ( kilonewton )
Suction specific speed (missing unit)
Casing mount
Casing type
Max. allow case press @ 15 °C ( bar gauge )
Max. allow case press @ PT ( bar gauge )
Moment of inertia ( kilogram square metre )
Dimension standard
Service factor (missing unit)
Auxiliary flush piping plan
Seal flush piping
Seal flush flow ( cubic metre per second )
Seal flush pressure ( bar gauge )
Max . liquid velocity, column ( metre per second )
Pump thrust @ min. flow ( newton )
Pump thrust @ design flow ( newton )
Pump thrust @ runout up ( newton )
Pump thrust @ runout down ( newton )
Pump thrust ( newton )
Weight of pump and baseplate ( kilogram )
Dismantle and inspect after test
Casting repair procedure approval
Performance test standard
Performance test accep. criteria
Hydrostatic test standard
Hydrostatic test acceptance criteria
NPSH test standard
NPSH test acceptance criteria
Motor driver mounted by


Insulation Code
Insulation Material
Insulation Thickness ( millimetre )
Main material
Surface protection

Detail info.

Purchase description
Buoyancy volume ( cubic decimetre )
Dry weight ( kilogram )
Normal oper. weight ( kilogram )
Buoyancy ( kilogram )
Internal volume ( cubic decimetre )
Heat Dissipation ( kilowatt )
Normal Heat Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
Emerg. Heat Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
UPS Heat Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
Mode 4 Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
Contractual time of delivery
Serial No.
Dry CoG X ( millimetre )
Dry CoG Y ( millimetre )
Dry CoG Z ( millimetre )
Op CoG X ( millimetre )
Op CoG Y ( millimetre )
Op CoG Z ( millimetre )
Length ( millimetre )
Width ( millimetre )
Height ( millimetre )
Normal content weight ( kilogram )
Diameter ( millimetre )


Nozzle Specifications

Area Classification

Required Cert. Code
Actual Cert. Code
Gas Group
Temp. Class
Certifying authority
Certifying Authority Cert. No
Certifying Authority License No
C.A. Licence Expiry Date
Atex Coding
Protection Type
Ingress Protection
Local ambient temp. ( degree Celsius )
Design Ambient Temp. ( degree Celsius )
Atm. pressure (surrounding) ( millibar )
Relative humidity ( percent )
Dirt accumulation grade
ATEX/Product Cert. No.
IEC 60079-25 – 500V Isolation Test Withstand
Declaration of Conformity
Operating Water Depth ( metre )
EIT Consumer
Ignition Source


Thermodynamic Condition Monitoring
Continuous Vibration Monitoring


Site & Utility Data

Site temperature ( degree Celsius )
Cooling water ( cubic metre per second )
Roof/no roof
Steam, normal ( kilogram per second )
Steam, max. ( kilogram per second )
Power (driver) ( kilowatt )
Power (auxiliaries) ( kilowatt )
Test Interval ( hour )


Terminal Nozzle 01

connected to id
Key info.
System No.
Technical Data
Size ( inch (international) )
Axial force ( newton )
Vertical force ( newton )
Horizontal force 90° ( newton )
Axial moment ( newton metre )
Vertical moment ( newton metre )
Horizontal moment 90° ( newton metre )
Detail info.
Main material
Buoyancy volume ( cubic decimetre )
Norsok component description
Dry weight ( kilogram )
Normal oper. weight ( kilogram )
Buoyancy ( kilogram )
Internal volume ( cubic decimetre )
Heat Dissipation ( kilowatt )
Normal Heat Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
Emerg. Heat Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
Mode 4 Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
Process elevation ( millimetre )
Serial No.
Diameter ( millimetre )

Terminal Nozzle 02

connected to id
Key info.
System No.
Technical Data
Size ( inch (international) )
Axial force ( newton )
Vertical force ( newton )
Horizontal force 90° ( newton )
Axial moment ( newton metre )
Vertical moment ( newton metre )
Horizontal moment 90° ( newton metre )
Detail info.
Main material
Buoyancy volume ( cubic decimetre )
Norsok component description
Dry weight ( kilogram )
Normal oper. weight ( kilogram )
Buoyancy ( kilogram )
Internal volume ( cubic decimetre )
Heat Dissipation ( kilowatt )
Normal Heat Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
Emerg. Heat Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
Mode 4 Dissipation (kW) ( kilowatt )
Process elevation ( millimetre )
Serial No.
Diameter ( millimetre )