Stream Components
Physical quantities of stream componentscomp2_C10+molar mass
molar mass 0.258 molar mass datum Nominal Datum kilogram per mole 0.258^^xsd:double
Scale density density 871 density datum Nominal Datum kilogram per cubic metre 871^^xsd:double
Scale hasPhysicalQuantity qualityQuantifiedAs Type type datumUOM datumValue
type hasPyhsicalQuantity qualityQuantifiedAs Type type datumUOM datumValue
stream_1amount of substance fraction carbon dioxide (ChEBI concept) Amount of substance fraction quantities of
stream stream1 CO2 fraction stream1 C10+ fraction Scale 0.0321^^xsd:double
mole per mole
Nominal Datum dimensionless property datum 0.0321 PhysicalQuantity 0.1712^^xsd:double
mole per mole
0.1712 amount of substance fraction PhysicalQuantity stream1 pentane fraction amount of substance fraction PhysicalQuantity 0.0192^^xsd:double
mole per mole
0.0192 carbon dioxide HC C10+ 10^^xsd:onNegativeInteger hydrocarbon (ChEBI
concept) pentane (ChEBI concept) pentane hasPhysicalQuantity type hasPhysicalQuantity type qualityQuantifiedAs type type datumUOM datumValue qualityQuantifiedAs datumUOM datumValue type hasPyhsicalQuantity type qualityQuantifiedAs datumUOM datumValue chemical hasQuality chemically determined as hasQuality chemically determined as min carbon atoms chemical chemical hasQuality chemically determined as